
Our digital efforts under the specialist and professional staff, Protect My Taxi mark a big change in their internet presence, traffic, leads, and purchases. In 6 months, they reached 
the following:

Website Traffic


Paid Traffic




Organic Traffic


And, of course, Protect My Taxi is happy with the output and its impact on their business. They continue working with us to maintain and
 improve their web presence and performance. Plus, they are interested in connecting with us on more initiatives to help their business grow.

Protect My Taxi Client review

Protect My Taxi is a company in the UK. They offer protection against seized vehicles for professionals and local drivers 
with good prices, easy ways to pay, and speedy service. A few months ago, they needed a digital marketing buddy to 
upgrade their brand, redo their website, and get noticed on social media.

For this client, our task was to make a website that was easy to use and safe, showing what makes them special and bringing 
in the right people. They wanted more people to find them online, get more people interested, and turn more visitors into customers. Using our branding and digital appearance skills, we aced the challenge and got awesome outcomes.

Website Building

They had a website that was a mess—poorly made and hacked. Fixing it seemed impossible, so we started fresh 
and created a new one. We did so because we wanted to show off actually who they are what they do best, 
and made it easy for people to get insurance online. So, we made a new website by using WordPress. It looked great
 for any device and made it simple for visitors to become customers. Plus, we made sure it was super safe from 
any online troubles.

Branding & Styling

Before making their website, we wanted a look that suited their style and what they stood for. We modified the logo, picked
colors, and developed a catchy tagline that showed they offer trustworthy and affordable impounded car insurance. We implement 
this style everywhere online, like their sites, social media, and emails.

Social Media Promotions

Protect My Taxi wanted more people to know them on Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. We made their profiles and shared helpful
stuff and awareness through tips, deals & discounts. We talked with their followers, answered questions, and talked about reviews. Even put
 up ads to find drivers who needed seized van insurance policies.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

After email marketing, we suddenly faced a new challenge from their website. Actually, they wanted to more people find
them on Google without paying for ads, and it’s difficult for us but not impossible. So, we accepted this challenge and promised 
to do some tricks to help them rank higher in searches. We picked good words, fixed their site, and got other trustworthy sites to
link to them. In addition, we wrote some helpful blogs against targeted keywords on their site about sealed motor coverage.